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floral embroidery



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  1. Birochka Embroidery

    Protea set of machine embroidery designs in the art surface technique

    Design size IB343: 175,3 Х 278,1 mm (6,90 Х 10,95 inches ) Number of colors :13 Number of shifts thread : 17 Number of stitches : 39940 Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx Design size IB344: 162,7 Х 272,3 mm (6,41 Х 10,72 inches ) Number of colors :10 Number of shifts thread : 12 Number...
  2. Birochka Embroidery

    Hot Pepper set of machine embroidery designs in the art surface technique

    (Set of 8 designs: three sprigs, inscription, four separate peppers) Design size IB362-1(sprig of three red peppers): 173,9 Х 274,2 mm (6,85 Х 10,80 inches ) Number of colors :12 Number of shifts thread : 14 Number of stitches : 40008 Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx Design size...
  3. Birochka Embroidery

    Free Standing Lace Sunflower Flower machine embroidery design

    Design size part 1 : 114 Х 119mm (4,5X4,7 inches) Number of colors: 3 Number of shifts thread: 4 Number of stitches: 26114 Formats: pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp Design size part 2 : 110 Х 111mm (4,3X4,4inches) Number of colors: 4 Number of shifts thread: 5 Number of stitches: 24974 Formats...
  4. Birochka Embroidery

    Orchid FSL machine embroidery design

    Design size: 98,9 Х 84,3 mm (3,89 x 3.32 inches) Number of colors: 3 Number of shifts thread: 3 Number of stitches: 23316 Formats: pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx Update your favorite textiles DIY style, with beautifully designed decorative embroidery! Embroidery is a fun way to add a touch...
  5. Birochka Embroidery

    Poppy Jewelry FSL machine embroidery designs

    Design size: 88,3 Х 89 mm (3,48 x 3.5 inches) Number of colors: 4 Number of shifts thread: 4 Number of stitches: 26070 Formats: pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx Update your favorite textiles DIY style, with beautifully designed decorative embroidery! Embroidery is a fun way to add a touch of...
  6. Birochka Embroidery

    Geranium with 3D elements set of machine embroidery designs

    Set of machine embroidery designs Geranium with 3D elements The set was created in two versions: with 3D elements and without 3D elements Large flower design size: 129.1 X 140.0 mm (5.08 x 5.51 inches) Number of colors: 8 Number of thread changes: 8 Number of stitches: 32349 Formats: pes, hus...
  7. Birochka Embroidery

    Clover Machine embroidery design in the art surface technique

    Design size IB336: 144,2 Х 196,9 mm (5,68 Х 7,75 inches ) Number of colors :8 Number of shifts thread : 11 Number of stitches : 18628 Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx If you see a two-leaf clover, you will soon find a loved one. Clover of the usual three-leaf form is used as an...
  8. Birochka Embroidery

    Olive branch machine embroidery design

    Design size IB345: 143,5 Х 181,6 mm (5,65 Х 7,15 inches ) Number of colors : 10 Number of shifts thread : 14 Number of stitches : 17410 Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx The branch of the olive tree is a famous natural image in the world culture. It has been used in various meanings...