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Machine embroidery design for a choker, brooch, head or wrist decoration “Magnolia” using the FSL technique
The design was created for embroidery on a water-soluble stabilizer; in the instructions for the design you can see the FSL flower embroidery technology and the assembly of the choker...
Magnolia twig in the technique of art embroidery machine embroidery design
Before you click send on that order, make sure that you selected the right dimensions for your sewing machine and project size!
This magnolia branch is made of two parts, which can be embroidered as one large branch or...
Size design , Part 1 : 116 Х 113 mm (4,56 x 4,46 inches)
Number of colors : 4
Number of shifts thread : 4
Number of stitches : 22513
Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp
design size , part 2 : 116 Х 113 mm (4,56 x 4,46 inches)
Number of colors : 3
Number of shifts thread : 3
Number of...