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*Ведь за нарушение авторских прав – большие штрафы, а за участие в реферальной и кэшбек программе можно получить дизайны бесплатно!
Machine embroidery design "Frosty flowers"
The design is created specifically to combine machine embroidery techniques and rhinestone inlay to achieve the effect of fragile frosty flowers with ice drops.
The set consists of four designs (three individual flowers and a branch), each of which is...
Machine embroidery design “Dragonfly in flowers”
The bright design is created for decorating clothes, pillows, shoppers and other accessories.
Design Size: 177.9 x 262.3mm(7.00 x 10.33in)
Number of colors: 19
Number of thread changes: 26
Number of stitches: 66817
Formats: pes, hus, dst...
“Dandelions” set of 13 machine embroidery designs
With this set, you can create various compositions for embroidery on clothes or accessories. Use your imagination to create unique products and images.
Set designs are suitable for hoops 130x180 mm (5X7 inches)
Formats: pes, jef, hus, dst...