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comforter toy pattern



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  1. Birochka Embroidery

    Baby Comforter Toy Bear Machine Embroidery Design In The Hoop

    The size of the designs for the hoop: 7Х11,8 and 7,8X11 inches (180X300 and 200X280 mm) Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx Detailed instruction with photos are in the folder with files. The toy comforter is created for newborns and has long won the love of moms and kids. The magic...
  2. Birochka Embroidery

    Baby Comforter Toy Fox Machine Embroidery Design In The Hoop

    Size design part 1 : 148,5 Х 188,3 mm (5,85 x 7,41 inches) Number of colors : 9 Number of shifts thread : 11 Number of stitches : 7793 Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp Size design part 2 : 145,6 Х 204,5 mm (5,73 x 8,05 inches) Number of colors : 2 Number of shifts thread : 2 Number of...
  3. Birochka Embroidery

    Baby Comforter Toy Cat Machine Embroidery Design In The Hoop

    The size of the designs for the hoop: 7Х11,8 and 7,8X11 inches (180X300 and 200X280 mm) Formats : pes, hus, dst, jef, vp3, exp, xxx Detailed instruction with photos are in the folder with files. The toy comforter is created for newborns and has long won the love of moms and kids. The magic...